Case Study – Gray Plant Mooty

Legal PR: Breaking Through

Gray Plant Mooty, the oldest law firm in Minneapolis, came to Snow looking to expand its clientele to younger, more diverse entrepreneurs and business people on both a local and national scale.

An initial assessment of how Gray Plant Mooty was faring in the media found the fi rm to have only seven instances of coverage in the year prior to hiring Snow. By contrast, one competitor with an active public relations program was quoted in 53 articles. This indicated that not only were there opportunities for increasing exposure, but that editors would be open to a fresh voice.

Our Objectives

  • Build awareness of Gray Plant Mooty’s history of expertise and its reputation for becoming a trusted partner to its clients.
  • Position members of the firm as experts in their relative practices by focusing on “issues management,” expert source positioning and publicizing new developments at the firm.

Our Actions

  • Interviewed individual attorneys at Gray Plant Mooty to assemble a complete database of topics related to each spokesperson’s area of expertise.
  • Worked with local media on coverage that focused on the firm itself, practice groups and individual attorneys.
  • Secured bylined articles focusing on the firm’s unmatched history and expertise.

The Results

  • After working with Snow for two years, Gray Plant Mooty had reached over 8 million readers. This coverage had an advertising cost equivalency of $500,000.
  • John Mooty was selected to the “2003 Business Hall of Fame” by the Twin Cities Business Journal.
  • For the first time, Gray Plant Mooty was selected as one of the top five firms for trusted legal advise in a Minneapolis Star Tribune survey of Twin Cities Board of Directors members.

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