Case Study – MR Instruments

A New Kind of MRI

MR Instruments is a producer of high-resonance MRI technology and developed the medical technology industry’s first 3T (Tesla) MRI coils for the most demanding MRI applications. MR Instruments hired Snow to increase visibility of this new technology and officially launch its flagship product at the RSNA Conference in Chicago.

MR Instruments manufactures and markets ultra high field MRI coils that allow radiologists to view more detailed images of the brain. It uses proprietary transverse electromagnetic (TEM) technology to provide a greater level of detail, faster study acquisition, and better diagnostic ce

Our Objectives

  • Launch MR Instruments’ TEM-3000™ 3T coil as the industry’s first FDA-approved coil technology for MRI machines.
  • Promote MR Instruments’ executives’ views on the possibilities of ultra-high resonance imaging.

Our Actions

  • Created a comprehensive database of personnel at MR Instruments and its research partner, The University of California Berkeley, to serve as technical experts for media interviews.
  • Aggressively pitched and placed bylined articles, trend stories and news announcements about MR Instruments in trade and regional business
  • Planned and executed the formal launch of the 3T MRI coil, the TEM-3000™ at RSNA in Chicago. Snow scheduled and facilitated one-on-one interviews with target media at the show.

The Results

  • Within a few short months, MR Instruments and its TEM-3000™ coil received positive press coverage in its target publications, including Medical Imaging, Radiology Today and RT Image, several regional business magazines as well as an exclusive Q&A in Minnesota Technology magazine.

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