Blog — The Snow Report

On Biking and Free Bikes 4 Kidz

Posted on October 3, 2012 by

I’m very enthusiastic about Snow Communications supporting Free Bikes 4 Kidz because biking is a safe, healthy way for kids to have fun and get exercise. No kid should be without one. I ride most days, often commuting to work and even riding in the cold, Minnesota winter. Riding a bike is good exercise, it’s good for the planet, and it reduces  the amount of vehicle traffic on our roads. But most of all, it’s fun, and as one of Dr. Seuss’ characters says, “fun is good.” It’s amazing to me how much fun one can have biking, and that includes the thrill of racing down a hill or riding slowly beside a scenic river or lake. It also includes meeting very nice people who are also biking. So, let’s add community to the list of biking benefits.

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