Blog — The Snow Report

Since our post on 8/1/13, the Physician Payment Sunshine Act has received little attention, despite the recent start of record-keeping requirements for drug, medical device and certain other healthcare companies that make payments to physicians, and upcoming public reporting of such payments. However, The Wall Street Journal ran a story yesterday, “Doctors Face New Scrutiny Over Gifts.” The Journal reported that some physicians are already reconsidering what gifts, free dinners and other reportable compensation they receive from covered companies:

“John Mandrola, a cardiologist in Louisville, Ky., said he has been paid a total of $1,500 to $2,000 this year by medical-device makers for speaking engagements. Knowing that such transactions will become public has caused him to be more cautious about what fees to accept, he said. He avoids industry reps visiting his office, believing he can get information on new drugs elsewhere. I’ll continue to weigh the benefits and the negatives, and I think the Sunshine Act and the public reporting of all this stuff makes us think about that,” said Dr. Mandrola. “And I think that’s a good thing.”

CMS Advising Physicians to Keep Records

The story reported that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Management are advising physicians to keep records of all payments and transfers of value from industry.

Reporting to the Public Begins in September, 2014

Healthcare PR professionals can expect to see increased media coverage of this issue, especially when the data begins to be available on a government website beginning in September 2014. That’s a year away, but the reporting has already begun.


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